Saturday, April 23, 2011


I recently had a conversation with a member, and it was a real eye-opener for me.  We obviously had differing views and that will never stop me from talking to someone because I like to find out how people come to the conclusions they do.  Unfortunately, in this particular case the individual had come to their conclusions based on false beliefs and untruths.  I finally had to end the conversation, after the name-calling commenced. I didn't get angry though because I'm used to this type of behavior.  What I did get was inspired.  And that inspiration planted the seed for Water Cooler Wednesdays.  

Firstly, I'd like to explain what WCW is not.  It is not an excuse to get together and get drunk.  Although the first meeting was held on the restaurant-side of a bar, that was not the intention.  The location was chosen due to it being within walking distance of the workplace.  Not to say there will be no consumption of alcoholic beverages during any future meetings, but rest assured there will be no beer-pong tournaments going on.

That said, the idea of WCW is the fact that we need to communicate with one another.  There's much we can all learn about many different aspects of life.  No matter what level of education one has, or even in which disciplines they have it, that is only one aspect of them.  Your degree is no more important than any other activity you commit time and dedication to, including self-taught hobbies such as arts, crafts, cooking, decorating, carpentry, etc.  The membership is very diverse, and I think that's something that should unite us, not divide us, as it seems to be doing currently.

Aside from the individual level, there is the demographic of union members.  Regardless of personal dislikings and honest disagreement on issues, there is a common interest.  Whether you personally accept it or not, the actions of the collective membership will affect you personally.  Frustration and fear of the unknown can be paralyzing; during the last negotiation, and even Payless Paydays in 09, the complaints have been about communications and not knowing what's going on.  Not this time.  The Union is here this time.

5 people showed for 4/20 WCW.

I, and the other 4, understand the hesitancy some may have of meeting on the restaurant-side of a bar.  We're currently trying to address that.  Another location in the same area of the workplace.  We've also started this blog and welcome any comments and feedback.      



  1. Great Idea bro... make sure you put your information on the site or on your Facebook... both would be nice... this yellow writing is killing my eyes!!! You are one of a kind my friend... to bad your not in my office... could use someone like you!... Barron

  2. Great Idea! I will be there this Wednesday.

  3. I like the idea of getting together to discuss ideas and breaking myths of what is and is not really happening. I will be at the next WCW and look forward to sharing and discussing ideas. I am a member of the current negotiations team, so I do hope there is a good turnout because there is reason for concern with these upcoming negotiations.....Bill
